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The bigger picture

Life Force

The energy that we feel inside of us, is the life force or vitality which forms the basis of our existence.

Whatever we do, we do use this life force. From blinking of eyes to talking to walking to digestion to the functioning of heart to thinking, most importantly to CURING, all we do use our life force.

We need to manage it to attain and maintain health. The conservation law of vitality says, the vitality can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. We receive vitality from nature

We can conserve it by managing the inputs from nature through various channels, like, different radiations, air, liquid and solid food and through our actions and thoughts!

This aspect of conserving the life force to improve our health drives me to go deeper to understand nature and life.

There are total 11 factors which help us in conservation of this life force or vitality.

They fall under the 3 buckets –


We consume foods through all the 5 elements or panchamahabhutas

The order of creation (Space – Air- Fire- Water and Earth) is also same as order of priority for maintaining the health.

  1. Solid food – Earth – Choosing the positive Food that we consume
  2. Osmotic Water – Water – Maintaining and using the water element
  3. Radiation – Fire- Absorbing the sun light using various techniques
  4. Air – Air – Breathing pure air not only through nose but also through the skin
  5. Fasting – Space- Creating space in our bodies through practices like Fasting

Eating clean food not only through Earth which is solid food and water but also learning how to consume subtle food through sun radiation, air and space plays a very vital role.

Next bucket is


  1. Movement – Choosing mindful movement to achieve balance between strength and flexibility and to expel the toxins out effectively through lymphatic system
  2. Spine care- Spinal cord which is the part of our central nervous system is responsible for overall health. We can keep it healthy by taking care of it through different non-violent therapies and exercises
  3. Quite sleep – It is important is to keep an early and fixed time to sleep and a natural and flexible wake-up time
  4. Sense of sex – This involves creating a natural procreative environment facilitating the emergence of the sense of total care, freedom and detachment. Act of sex has a limited role to play.


  1. Rational analysis – This is needed to conserve the life force. In this we learn to listen to the voice of the organism and take decisions based on deep thinking
  2. Meditation – Once we learn to work on rational analysis, then meditation becomes little easy

Out of these 11 factors,

Working on INPUTS is easier and more in our control.

Changing our diet to be more in synch with nature, drinking enough osmotic water through Fruits and vegetables is the first step that all health seekers can start with.

And clean eating guidelines can help us in this endeavour!

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