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Do you know there are 10 trillion cells in our body and even a greater number of bacteria, viruses and fungi residing inside it? Almost 3 times on an average!

Now over the years our bodies are evolved to feed on food that encourage friendly bacteria, fungi and viruses to grow with us.

When we eat the right food the right kind of friendly microbes grow and they work for our body in many ways.

Many of them work with our immune system. Many have co-evolved to synthesis b12, b6 and other vitamins for us. Many of them synthesize proteins and produce enzymes.

But when we start eating food that we and these friendly microbes did not co-evolve to eat, they start to die off. And in their place, bacteria and fungi that can eat these foods start to grow and make us addicted to the foods they need. And many of them feast on our internal organs.

Now our immune system can’t fight them because we have lost our friendly bacteria and viruses and fungi. And in turn toxins get build up in our bodies.

But fortunately, the original ecosystem with friendly microbes can come back when we eat right foods. That’s how we can halt ageing and begin on the basic path to reverse ageing.


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