Ranjani, clean eater who reversed hypothyroidism
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Ranjani, 42 years old, is a telecom industry professional. Her lifestyle was hectic and stressful.

A few years back, Ranjani began to experience some hormonal fluctuations. She got tested for hypothyroid imbalance. Despite hitting the sack for 7-8 hours, she routinely woke up with body aches and fatigue. And she gained weight.

Waking up tired and sluggish, unable to lose even a single kilo of weight, feeling low energy – these signs began to worry Ranjani and she started looking for solutions. She craved to feel good, energetic, light and happy.

When Ranjani heard about “clean eating,” she was intrigued. Here was someone proposing eating more and eating right for health and happiness. How would that work?

Ranjani’s food till then included the “regular” stuff – white rice, wheat chapatis, tea, coffee, snacks, and of course, the biscuits with the tea. She would eat whatever was available in the kitchen or dining table without much thought. Her exercise too was limited to a random walk when she could manage it.

Saee explained the concept of clean eating and busted many myths associated with societal and cultural norms. It wasn’t easy to accept it all but Ranjani felt that the best way to know the truth would be to experience it.

Ranjani decided to take the plunge.

Her first challenge was abstaining from caffeine. The first two days were hard. She missed her cup of coffee and the biscuits and snacks that went along. But she wasn’t going to give in. Saee had prepped her on what to expect and how to deal with it. Sticking to the principles of clean eating helped Ranjani stick to her guns.

By the third day, the withdrawal symptoms were almost gone. Ranjani’s routine was set. She knew what to eat and when to eat. The exchange of experiences, recipes, wins and losses on the Whatsapp support group kept her further motivated and focused.

After a week, she felt more alert. Her energy levels had undeniably improved. By now, she was enjoying the new clean eating recipes.

After another week, she noticed she didn’t have the aches and pains she’d come to accept on waking up.

At the end of 3 weeks, Ranjani had lost 3 kgs. Best of all, she had an overall feeling of well-being which made her weight-loss seem like a great by-product of a beautiful cleansing journey. She felt more confident and good about herself. She felt joyful and energetic through the day, enthusiastic about work, home and life in general.

She has been off her thyroid medicines since she started eating clean. She got the thyroid tested recently and the readings are normal.

Friends and neighbours often stop to remark on Ranjani’s improved weight and looks now. She feels so good and happy. She plans to continue with clean eating as it makes her happy.



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