Fruits at night cause a cold | Mythbuster
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Firstly, don’t consume anything in the “night.” Maintain a 3-hour gap from the time you sleep so no undigested food is present in the stomach. Ideally, dinner should be around sunset time.

Secondly, fruits should be consumed on an empty stomach. The digestion time of fruits is much faster than most food groups. Therefore, it shouldn’t be eaten as a dessert post-dinner.

Thirdly, try to have a single variety of fruit at a time. Don’t mix watery fruits such as a watermelon with a pulpy fruit such as a banana. Fruit digestion will be smooth without any aftereffects.

Understanding the above, an early mono-fruit dinner is no problem.

Cold and cough are not triggered by fruits. They are the body’s way to eliminate accumulated toxins from the body.

That being said, fruits are preferred as breakfast to support the elimination cycle, as they digest quickly.

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