Drink 3-4 litres of water daily | Mythbuster |
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The water requirement of our body depends on various factors including weather, season, physical activity, type and amount of food consumed.

A person working under the sun needs more water than a person working in an AC environment. A person training 2-3 hours a day for a marathon needs more water than someone who does not work out. A person consuming processed and refined foods needs more water than one on a fruit fast for the day.

The rule to follow is to drink water only when thirsty, sip by sip, till the thirst is quenched.

Those of us exposed to AC environments may not realise when we get thirsty, thereby having less water. What is the benchmark?

The easiest test is to check the colour of your urine through the day. If it’s straw/pale yellow, the body is well hydrated. If it’s dark yellow or brown, you must hydrate with fluids. If it’s transparent and colourless, you’re having too much.

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