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This year was fast with lots of ups and downs. When I look back, I see how much I have walked, what
gave me the opportunity to learn and grow.
My last year’s intentions were to work on my relationship with family members, not try to judge
them and accept them as they are, working on Poshak foods and seeing it grow.
The year began with Corona infection, but nature cure practices helped my family heal without any
medication and made my beliefs strong that healing can happen through fasting. My husband is
an autoimmune patient who had a relapse. He was infected by herpes which was very painful. He could not even face a small breeze. It was very painful to see him this way too. Thanks to friends and well-wishers like Saee and Nisha, they helped me to take him to Pollachi.
Suffering can teach us so much; in this process, you meet inspiring people. It’s good opportunity to grow
and stay grounded. We met Anant, Damo, Rupa and Saguna Amma. Amma took care of my husband like
her own child. Her CST helped him to heal faster. Within one week he could do yoga and was back to
normal. It was a miracle that I saw with my own eyes. The deep love and kindness which I experienced
was also unique experience. It was hard to believe that such people exist in this world.
Being a good listener and not reacting helped me to develop my relationship with the younger members
of our family. I also learned that the older generation are not a hurdle but a source of energy; we just need to devote some time to them. I still need to learn to spend time with them.
Poshak foods became part of Poshak Life where Saee, Monica, and I came together. Now we are a team.
We started Poshak Food with a small Whatsapp group where we took orders individually. Soon the
orders could be placed through Google Forms. Initially, the orders could be placed for only Bangalore
customers but soon we started shipping pan India. There were lots of learning and experiences in this
process. I started trusting Indian Speed Post. Postal Services have really improved a lot, thanks to Govt.
of India and Post staff who work day and night.
There were instances where customers did not receive the parcel. Once a tiny mouse went inside the
parcel and ate only cookies! One more instance where a whole lot of snacks was replaced with 2 small
packets of biscuits. Diwali hampers reached after Diwali. Some received parcels in a bad state but
everything was intact. These learnings were only 10% but 90% of the time they were delivered as expected.
At the same time, we also shipped our first assignment to the USA through Indian Speed Post.
To give a better experience, in October’22 we started delivering through Shopify. I am thankful to Sachin
(Saee’s husband) who pitched in and helped us. Shopify is powered by Shiprocket, where everything is
automated. Now new challenges were boxes that we needed for packing. I was clear I did not want to
buy new boxes to deliver the goodies. I wanted to reuse boxes. We just asked for help from some nearby
vendors to sell us the oil boxes.
Initially, the kitchen was managed all by me. There was a lot of fear when I started Poshak snacks but the
trust from customers helped me become confident. Now we have a small team of help – both are
illiterate. Teaching them to measure the ingredients, and packing the goodies was yet another challenge.
The good thing was they could identify numbers but not letters, so through images, I had to teach them.

Each product has a different color label which helps them to pack the goodies. This was a new experience
for me and taught me patience and belief in everyone’s potential.
All this growth was possible only with customer support and trust. I am grateful to all our customers
who motivated us to become better and grow. I am also very thankful for the opportunities they gave
To run this whole show, you need good mental balance. Saee’s yoga and Monica’s inner work sessions
are always very helpful, both are sources of energy. Their love and encouragement have helped me to
excel. I thank God for such good friends. There are so many other people who have offered their help
without even asking. My family members have always been supportive and adjusting. Very grateful to God for being so kind.
My next year’s intention is to become more organized and to grow the business with more kindness,
love, and trust while staying grounded. Travel more and improve my flexibility and stamina.

I wish you all great happiness in the coming year!

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One Reply to “Sweet Memories 2022”

  1. Congratulations Dee. It is very inspiring to learn about your 2022 journey and the learning you have shared. Thanks a lot Dee for sharing such motivating experience. May 2023 shower abundance love, peace, happiness and patience to meet your intentions. Good luck Dee.

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