Random Acts of Kindness Each Day - June'23 Act of Kindness
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I think probably kindness is my number one attribute in a human being. I’ll put it before any of the things like courage or bravery or generosity or anything else.

Roald Dahl

This month, we commit to one random act of kindness every day. It can be any act, big or small. But one act must be practised each day of the month. 🙂

Learning to be kind is just like learning to play a sport or an instrument. It must be a daily ritual.

Research shows that doing multiple acts of kindness in a short span of time can boost one’s happiness more than over a moderate timeline. In that spirit, this month is an invitation to leave a trail of kindness wherever we go.


You can choose any act of your choice. You can do the same every day or change it up. Here are some ideas for each day if you ever feel stuck.

  1. Taking time to stop during your morning walk to say Hello to the elderly is kindness.
  2. Looking up from your mobile phone and giving someone your full attention is kindness.
  3. Smiling at a little child is kindness.
  4. Smiling at a stranger and sharing a Howdy is kindness.
  5. Picking a neighbour’s post or other stuff for them is kindness.
  6. Buying a little extra food and sharing it with someone in need is kindness.
  7. Carrying extra food whenever you leave home and sharing it with people is kindness.
  8. Feeding birds and animals is kindness.
  9. Keeping water out for birds in the hot summer is kindness.
  10. Picking the phone to call a stressed relative or colleague is kindness.
  11. Serving water, tea or coffee to vendors at our doorstep is kindness.
  12. Taking time out and spending it with your old parents is kindness.
  13. Taking elderly people to a place they enjoy is kindness.
  14. Listening with patience and acceptance is kindness.
  15. Meeting a server’s eyes and saying thank you is kindness.
  16. Telling someone they’re important is kindness.
  17. Volunteering time for any cause is kindness.
  18. Picking up trash anywhere is kindness.
  19. Pitching in whenever and wherever helpers are needed is kindness.
  20. Watering plants in a public space is kindness.
  21. Making a shady resting place for strays is kindness.
  22. Accompanying someone to a hospital is kindness.
  23. Just asking if any help is needed is a kindness.
  24. Reaching out to new neighbours to say Hello is kindness.
  25. Offering professional services without fee is kindness.
  26. Serving without attachment to outcomes is kindness.
  27. Working for the good of the world in any capacity is kindness.
  28. Enabling someone’s dignity is kindness.
  29. Doing chores for anyone who is struggling is kindness.
  30. Writing cards of appreciation and sending them out is a kindness.
  31. Sending out prayers of compassion to the world is kindness.
  32. Bonus: Showing consideration to your family and yourself is kindness.

How was your experience of random acts of kindness every day? What did it unlock within you? Share stories of your experiences.

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