anonymous acts of kindness | Service365 | poshak life
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Every act of kindness grows the spirit and strengthens the soul.

Anonymous (keeping with the theme)

Wow! We’re in the 8th month of the year already. Can you believe, we have done 211 acts of service individually and collectively, so many more? That is some good exercise for the heart muscles this year. 😊


For the month of August, we continue our acts of service, now adding a layer of anonymity. Won’t that be fun?

Many of us are already doing wonderful things in the spirit of love and generosity, with no wish for a name. This month let’s stretch our imagination and do more, with anonymity.

“The reward for all the virtues lies in the virtues themselves, for they are not practised with a view to recompense; the wages of a good deed is to have done it.” – Epistles 81.19


You can relook at all the ideas shared in earlier posts and find a way to do the acts anonymously.

Here are some more ideas to tinker with:

  • Pay it forward at a coffee shop or restaurant.
  • Leave a flower or handmade items with a note at a neighbour’s door.
  • Leave a hot or cold drink for the security guard at his table. With a biscuit.
  • Get treats for your colleagues and leave them in the cafeteria for self-service.
  • Leave an encouraging note at a colleague’s desk.
  • Buy/Thrift something someone needs and leave it where they can find it with a gratitude note.
  • Pay the toll tax for someone behind you.
  • Observe people’s needs and find ways to meet them anonymously.
  • Send old clothes to shelters and other places in need.
  • Send anonymous thank-you notes to teachers and other influencers in your life.
  • Clean up a neighbour’s pavement when they are not home.

Let’s keep spreading the ripples of kindness!


What did you learn about yourself while serving anonymously? What are the stories and insights that came up for you? Share your reflections and stories in the comments and the WhatsApp group.

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