1 Psychodrama Session (In-person)


The single sessions are ideal as a follow-up for clients who have completed the Psychodrama 4-session package or THRIVE program or who want to try out Psychodrama. Psychodrama gets you into action instead of talk. As you embody roles, you connect with deep needs and emotions, leading to behavioural clarity and life-serving steps in the present. As you change your behaviour in the play mode, new neural paths are created in the brain.

This will be our journey. Everything we need to heal is within us. A nudge is all we need at times.

Duration: 75 minutes

Frequency: 1 session

Mode: In-person

Location: #145, J R Greenwich, Kodathi, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore

Time: 10 AM – 12 PM (or mutually agreed upon on WhatsApp Chat)