Suryathon 2021 | 108 Surya Namaskars on Ratha Saptami
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Ratha Saptami, a Hindu festival, symbolizes the change of season to spring and the start of the harvesting season. For many Indian farmers, it marks an auspicious beginning of the New Year. On this prominent day in the sun’s cycle, it is believed that the sun transmits high positive energy to the human body. When the human body energetically and consciously receives this positive energy, each cell becomes more powerful to fight any kind of disease.

Surya Namaskar is one form through which we all can receive the sun’s energy. Patanjali’s “Yogasastram” explains the regulations for Surya Namaskar. No other exercises are required of the one who regularly practices Surya Namaskar.

Ratha Saptami is the best day to start practicing Surya Namaskar – the postures and mantra.

The significance of 108

The number 108 has long been considered a sacred number in Hinduism and yoga. Traditionally, malas, or prayer beads, come as a string of 108 beads (plus one for the “guru bead,” around which the other 108 beads turn like the planets around the sun). A mala is used to keep track of the count as you repeat a mantra.

Great mathematicians of Vedic culture viewed 108 as a number of the wholeness of existence.

This number also connects the Sun, Moon, and Earth. The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is 108 times the sun’s diameter. The average distance from the Earth to the Moon is 238,800 miles, about 108 times the moon’s diameter. (Source)

Such phenomena have given rise to many examples of ritualistic significance. According to yogic tradition, there are 108 pithas, or sacred sites, throughout India, and there are also 108 Upanishads and even 108 sacred places in the body.

Why 108 Surya Namaskar?

Repeating the Surya Namaskar 108 times is a challenge – doable but not easy. Completing 108 cycles means breaking free of the notion of impossible and inviting an attitude of resilience, focus, and discipline. This in turn creates a commitment to one’s yoga and self-improvement.

Physically, the exercise makes you feel much stronger and fluid. As a form of active meditation, the practice helps you connect better with your mind.

Join the online 108 Surya Namaskar Suryathon on 24 January 2021.


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