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As I reflect upon the year gone by, my heart is full of gratitude for the new deep connections I got to make, for the wholehearted support I received from my close family and friends to pursue my dreams, for the opportunities that came my way in order to make me wiser and kinder!

My year started with a 10-day vipassana course at Tiruvannamalai and I found the meditation technique I was looking for. I got another opportunity to repeat it within 5 months at Sangli, Maharashtra. Sitting for daily meditation and practicing equanimity to likes and aversions has been a continuous attempt since then.

As Monica was undergoing her psychodrama course, she was gracious enough to share her learnings, experiences and insights with me passionately. The enchanting psychodrama process has helped me take my understanding of mental health to a more profound level. Along the line, I got to resolve so many of my mental blocks and be able to look at life situations from a better perspective. 

Dee started participating in monthly farmers markets with Poshak Life snacks. The offline engagement with our community was a much needed, refreshing change from the online programs that we conduct. I personally enjoyed being there with her and our numerous discussions over the products, strategies to market, promote and sell, appreciating the efforts by other vendors and so on…Introduction of fresh items was a highlight of this effort. 

My yearly fitness test happened in the form of Masters Nationals Swimming @Mangalore. And I could pass the test without much effort. All thanks to the nature-synched way of life we are exploring together at Poshak Life. Connecting with the health conscious community of swimmers, deepening the ties with the old friends and coaches was an added bonus.

Collaborating with Dr Rupa Shah added so much value to our 21-Day program. We launched the 21-Day Diabetes special program successfully and look forward to helping many more people manage and reverse the trend of diabetes with the program. 

After realising the need of being on fruits for some days every month, we started the monthly fruit-cleanse. It’s such a nourishing practice to do it in a group of fellow tribe members now.

The Service365 year long challenge was hosted by Monica last year Jan. Every month, a different theme to serve ourselves as well as others was shared. Practicing it in a group really helped me keep the flame of service alive in me. I am planning to continue working on it this year too.

The climax of the year happened in the month of December, when we attended the laddership retreat in Ahmedabad conducted by Moved By Love. I felt drowned in love by the end of the retreat and new space has opened up in my heart prompting me to lead with love whatever be the situation. There is a long way to go to fully understand and imbibe this way of life but I am happy that the process has started.

Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous year to come! 

May you be well, may you be peaceful and at ease, May you be happy.

May you have patience, courage and understanding to face whatever arises.

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One Reply to “2023 The year gone by..”

  1. Happy new Year Saee, it was nice to read about you journey and congratulations on finding the meditation that you were looking for. I have been thinking of doing vipasana from long now. How was your experience?

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