In my learning journey, I understood that food, a whole food plant-based diet, food from the earth, is the grossest form of food, focusing only on the physical fitness of the body. Strengthening the physical body was the initial reason behind my adopting a whole plant-based lifestyle. With that knowledge, I launched my 7-day Kick-start Clean Eating program.
Then I got introduced to nature cure. After experiencing the subtler foods, that is, food from the other 4 elements of nature – water, fire, air, and space – that is more potent than the earth, I put together the 15-day Clean Eating through 5 Elements program.
I have struggled with mental wellness while growing up. I was amazed to witness how deeply and tightly physical fitness couples with mental wellness. This changed my perspective of health, of only looking at it through the lenses of food, gross or subtle.
Such breakthroughs have led me to my creative occupation. It certainly gives me a lot of clarity on how to function going forward, the things I want to prioritize in my life – things that fulfill me and make me a better version of myself.
And that’s what the 21-day Challenge program is about. Whatever knowledge I have gained till now, whatever I have learned through my experience, I have added it to this program.
Ramana Maharshi said, “Your own self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” (This is the quote.)
They say, “Transformation of your own self is the biggest contribution you can make to this world”.
I sincerely wish I can play some role in your life journey too through this program.