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Name: Ankur Verma

Age: 42 years

Occupation: Career Coach, prior 16 years in corporate sales and business operations                                                                                                                            

Nativity: Bihar

Earlier food habits:

Non-vegetarian, loved paneer, consumed a lot of coffee (mostly black), and rarely ate fruits. 

Meal timings were quite irregular – late breakfast, a very late dinner, and frequently snacked on namkeen. 

Lifestyle was busy and extremely stressful, often eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner while working. 

Earlier pattern of exercise and rest: 

Sleep pattern was irregular, less than six hours of sleep a night. 

Because of the stress at work, he always felt agitated. 

Relationships with family were affected.


Diabetic for nearly a decade with  HbA1c of 8.3. 

Thyroid issues and high cholesterol.

Overweight at  90kgs.

Short temper, very low stamina, and struggling to run even 700-800 meters in one go. Frequently felt bloated and tired, which further affected his sense of overall well-being.

Getting started with the 21-Day program:

Ankur diligently followed the dos and don’ts of the program from the first day with his wife’s support. 

One strategy that greatly helped Ankur was sharing pictures of his meals with the group. He says, “This not only kept me accountable and honest in my efforts but also provided motivation as I saw how others were similarly committed to the task. It created a supportive community environment that encouraged me to stay on track with my clean eating journey.”

Initial challenges and resolution:

  1. Managing three different meal types at home – one for the parents, another for Garima (wife) and Uday (son), and one for himself.

He managed it with careful planning and preparation to ensure everyone’s dietary needs           were met. 

  1. Deciding what to cook and how to cook as alternatives to his usual food choices. 

Dee’s cooking sessions and handholding helped him overcome this challenge.

  1. Finding organic fruits and vegetables posed another hurdle, as they were not readily available and often came with concerns about their authenticity and higher cost in local shops. 

By asking in the group, he got connected with authentic sources for organic groceries and fruits like Navadarshanam and became more mindful while buying groceries, fruits and vegetables.

  1. Choosing not to consume alcohol or indulge in outside food during social gatherings caused some friction for him with friends and acquaintances. This adjustment tested his social relationships. 

It made him aware of his emotional challenges while staying committed to his health goals.

What made you continue the journey on this path after 21 days:

In 21-days Ankur observed various improvements: 

  • HbA1c dropped from 8.3 to 6.2.
  • Weight dropped from 90 kgs to 82 kgs.
  • Acidity and bloating were noticeably reduced.
  • Jogging stamina increased from 500 meters to 2.5 km in one go.

These improvements convinced Ankur of the benefits of clean eating and motivated him to continue on this path. During the course, he learned about the possibility of reversing diabetes and eventually being able to eliminate all medications. This was incredibly exciting news for him because he  had never imagined that reversing diabetes was possible.

Understanding the adverse effects diabetes can have on the body and health, he became determined to achieve a healthier life for himself and his family. His father suffered a heart attack when he was 45 years old, and noticing similar patterns, he was also diagnosed with diabetes around the same age Ankur was. Recognizing this family history, Ankur was motivated to take proactive steps to manage his diabetes and avoid the risk of a heart attack.

Current Health Status:

Since June 2023, he has come off all the medications under the supervision of his doctor,  who has noted positive responses to my improved health markers.

He is also able to maintain his healthy weight, feels energetic and enjoys physical activity. 

Advice to others:

Here is what Ankur has to say to others in his own words – 

“I recommend the 21-Day program to everyone who is trying to take control of their health.

Clean eating isn’t just about weight reduction, although shedding excess weight naturally occurs as a byproduct. 

It’s about embracing a sustainable lifestyle that nurtures both body and mind. By prioritizing nutrient-dense foods and avoiding processed junk, I’ve found myself more present in each moment, better equipped to handle daily challenges, and enjoying a renewed sense of overall health and vitality. 

I encourage everyone to consider incorporating clean eating into their lives. It’s not just a diet; it’s a transformative approach to living that empowers you to take control of your health and well-being, leading to a happier, more fulfilling life.”

The next 21-Day Back to Health group program starts on 9th August. 

If you want to join this program or have a personal coaching session, send a message on  WhatsApp to +91 9632676341 and I will be happy to address concerns and questions.

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