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We all may have gone through this challenge some or the other time  in our lives.

We decide on some thing that we want to accomplish but we find it difficult to stick to a long term goal.

In that case having a practice manager can help. I had heard of a project manager coming from an IT background. But the term Practice manager fascinated me when I realised it can go beyond achieving your goal.

A practice manager can be a trusted individual, a friend, a family member who holds you responsible for achieving your goals.

You identify these goals together and also come up with a short-term plan of action. Sometimes, a practice manager is just a kind soul who volunteers a couple of minutes a day to keep you on track.

Just finding a partner with whom to share your goals increases the likelihood that you will achieve them.

It’s  a lot more fun to take a daily power walk with a friend than go at it alone for 45 minutes. Knowing you must check in with your weight-loss buddy each week makes it easier to pass up that chocolate donut. Reporting your daily word count to a fellow writer keeps you glued to your laptop

Recently I found my practice manager in Monica, in fact we became each other’s practice managers. We both were struggling to build a daily meditation practice.

So we came up with this short term practice of sitting for meditation daily for 60 mins for 60 days.

And we were sending each other a WhatsApp message once it was done in a day. The first set of 60 days is over and we found each other’s company rewarding in many ways. We felt accountable for each other’s progress and practice. We could also discuss our challenges and make fun of it together 🙂 A couple of days we even missed the practice but we came back quickly with each other’s support. Not only that just the thought that there is someone with you as you are building this practice was so reassuring.

And that’s the reason in our group coaching programs even though they are online we become each other’s practice managers. And it makes the journey smoother and more focused. 

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