Benefits as a woman on WFPBD and Nature Cure Practices | Poshak Life blog
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I began following the Whole Food Plant Based Diet in 2014, not 100%, but over the course of some years, I am there. I am still not completely oil-free for a number of reasons but I have still experienced enough benefits to believe in the restorative power of this food and lifestyle.

In this post, I would like to specifically talk about the benefits I have experienced as a woman.

Pre-2014, I used to often have mood swings associated with pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). They have completely gone.

I used to have an Ibuprofen every month for menstrual pain. Now my periods come, they go, and I barely feel them.

My hair has improved considerably. I experienced heavy hair fall when I started. But after a year, that stabilised and I love my hair now.

I don’t use any chemicals on my body or hair. My skin, which used to be very dry, has improved. Dandruff, which was a problem since childhood, has also disappeared.

I take a cold water bath as much as possible. All these changes have contributed to good regulation of temperature in my body. Earlier I used to feel very cold and my feet and hands would take a long time to warm up. Not so anymore. I don’t feel very cold any more.

I used to have leukorrhea – the whitish, yellowish or greenish discharge from the vagina during my teens and later years. Many women have this and don’t know that this can be a sign of ill health. This does not happen anymore either.

Then I had surgery on both breasts for abscesses. The site of the cut post-healing was very painful and itchy. I don’t remember the last time I felt those scars.

Moreover, I feel very comfortable in my body now, content in my own skin. Much of this change in thought began with the change in diet. The changes became even more profound when I learned Nature Cure practices and began exposing the body to subtle elements that Nature offers us.

If this post makes you curious about this lifestyle, join our free webinars each month or explore the 21-Day Back to Health online program. The next batch starts on 10 June.

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