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The caffeine is one of the most popular mood-enhancing drugs is present in the comfort drinks like tea and coffee! (Most of us swear by our adrak wali chai and nut meg flavoured coffee!)  

But do you know that its highly addictive and consuming tea/coffee has many side effects on our body?

Sleep disorder / diuretic effect: Caffeine in tea can lead to a mild diuretic effect if taken excessively and can cause sleep disorders.

Constipation: A chemical in the tea/coffee can lead to a dehydrating effect during digestion, causing constipation.

Anxiety and restlessness:  Consuming too much of tea/coffee can lead to sleep disruption, restlessness, anxiety and increased heart rate.

Low immunity/ inflammation: Caffeine triggers the production of adrenaline which suppresses immune function reducing immunity, it also causes pathogenic bacteria to multiply and the immune system mounts an inflammatory attack on the bacteria, damaging tissues and causing mystery pain

Acidity: The acidity of tea/coffee is associated with digestive discomfort, indigestion, heart burn, GERD and dysbiosis (imbalances in your gut flora).

We provide handholding and support for the caffeine withdrawal symptoms during the 21-day back to health program. If you want to join the next batch, register here.

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