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I don’t think I have worked so hard and passionately for anything in my life as I have for this certificate – Psychodrama Coach Practitioner. This isn’t just a certificate for me, it’s a flag at the first level of a hill that will take me 4 years to climb.

These 4 years aren’t just a measure of time; they are a measure of transformation. And that’s the beauty and reward of this long road.

Getting to the first level has involved some tough inner work, financial commitment, time investment, trust, and faith in myself, my group, and my teachers.

It has involved facing and breaking long-held beliefs and self-defined constraints.

Many tears have flowed in the healing of wounds, my own and those of my comrades. Just as countless moments of harmony and acceptance have soothed my heart and nourished my soul.

I have grown stronger in my connection with myself and others. My intuition and confidence have gained power with each challenge I’ve overcome. My spiritual learning is more real and relevant.

And this is just the beginning!

I thank God for the path He has put me on. To love your job is a blessing for sure. I thank my clients for trusting me and making me part of their journeys. I thank my dear partners Saee Bapat and Deepali Gaonkar at Poshak Life for their steadfast trust in my decisions. And I thank my lovely family, especially my husband Tarun Shiva for his good-humoured support of my multiple pursuits.

Wishing everyone a life of meaning and joy,


Psychodrama Coach Practitioner

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