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I have taken this straight, unmodified, from the 21-Day Interfaith Compassion Challenge I’ve been volunteering at. This passage resonated with me and made me think of the Service365 group, with people practising small acts of kindness.

Every day, our lives intersect with others’ lives, by plan and by happenstance. We know some of these people; others we don’t. Some of the interactions are profound and meaningful, but many are fleeting and trivial. Irrespective of who they are or how you engage with them, make it your goal that every person should come away from the interaction happier than they would be if your paths had not crossed. It’s simple.

It is not important that every person whose path you cross come away with a life-changing experience, only that your interaction contributes to the pleasantness of their day. Judge every situation and meet each person “where they are”. This will become second nature. You won’t have to deliberate and scheme.

This practice has a special side-effect: it will make your days more joyful too.

In every interaction and for all beings in the space of 3 feet around you, ask what you can do to make the day a little better for someone.

Watch this video for inspiration.

How did the intention of adding joy to interactions manifest? How did the practice affect you?
Share your experiences, thoughts and reflections on the WhatsApp group or in the comments under this post.

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