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I know that I should be making these food changes, but for how long I need to follow these changes?

Many times, people ask me this question that for how long we must follow these dietary changes and lifestyle modifications. Is it for life long? So, the answer varies from person to person. There can be various situations like you may be coming to me with a very serious health condition and you are willing to work on that condition only through dietary modifications and lifestyle changes. Or you may be taking some other treatment. But along with that, you want to improve your diet and lifestyle. So that the other treatment works efficiently, or you may be completely on the positive spectrum of health without any health issues. But you want to go through these changes to prevent any future complications or any future health conditions. Now, depending on what is your starting point, you. To decide from where you want to start, how long you want to continue, and with what speed you want to make these changes as a health coach, my role is to show you the direction so that you are moving from negative spectrum of health to positive spectrum of health.

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