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There are 5 pillars of health in the philosophy of natural hygiene/nature cure.

1. Ample exercise
2. Adequate rest
3. Positive thoughts
4. Positive food
5. Creative occupation

The design of the 21-day program is such, you get to learn and experience these pillars of health.
Yoga sessions help you practice mindful movement.
Commitment circles ensure your sleep cycle is aligned to the circadian rhythm and you develop a sleep routine in order to get adequate rest.
They also cover tips and tools to calm down the mind and add clarity to the thoughts.
Throughout the 21 days we learn about the positive food which is a whole plant based diet which is not only curative but preventive. Cooking demos, meal planning sessions and continuous handholding ensures your transition to a whole plant diet is smooth and sustainable.
Also the group interactions and live coaching sessions make you understand about the drains and gains on vitality and push you to think about the role of your occupation in healing.

So as a result of going through this program,in just 21-days, participants report lowered blood sugar, blood pressure, acidity, constipation, eczema, psoriasis, knee pain, back pain, and loss of excess weight. The immediate returns are the improved energy levels, quality of sleep, digestion, mood, an overall feeling of lightness, and a nurturing self-connection. Their outlook of health, diet and life is transformed! 

The next batch begins from 10th May. (

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