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I was 15 kg overweight after delivering my second child. I dreaded visiting the dietician because I’d be recommended to reduce chapatis by half, rice by half, cut down on carbs, etc. I never appreciated or enjoyed this portion size control.
At that time, I was unaware of the fact that nobody except your own body can tell you how much to eat.
Of course, listening to your body takes learning (or unlearning) but it is your best guide and friend.
Once you start eating clean, you learn to identify your body’s signals – the pleasure traps, the addictions, the cravings, and the overeating.
Gradually, you understand that counting calories and controlling portion sizes are unnecessary.YOU develop the intelligence to know when to stop. Isn’t that wonderful?

In the clean eating world, every food is clean and safe as we stay away from the five whites. This gives you the freedom to give in to your mind at times and indulge in your favorite foods without guilt or fear.
So true clean eaters don’t watch portion sizes but they do keep an eye on the proportion size. And that’s how we maintain the power plate.

The proportion of grains: legumes: veggies in the plate is 1:1:2. And you can choose to eat as much as you want provided this proportion is maintained. Another factor that helps is the amount of fiber that’s present in the whole plant based foods. It doesn’t allow us to overeat!

Eating when keenly hungry and till you are almost full seems the most natural way to eat. And that’s what makes clean eating sustainable.

Happy Clean Eating! 🙂 

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