mirror and me | poshak life blog
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Time. Where I am most poor.
Self-worth. Where I still struggle.
Perfection. Where I grow looser.
Money. Where I give and get.
Service. Where I am most happy.
Kindness. That demands my practice.
Tolerance. That seeks to give way to acceptance.
Understanding. That need not always manifest.
Acceptance. That my heart stays open.
Peace. For what I strive.
Joy. For what I live.
Courage. That I need more than ever.
Surrender. That I move towards.
Faith. That grows stronger as I am held.
Confidence. That ebbs and flows.
Humility. That nothing is me.
Flow. That I encounter but still wonder about.
Connection. That feeds my soul.
Friendship. The cornerstone of my being.

Monica Samuel

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