Mysterious door | poshak life blog
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A little time, and a little space are all we need
to bow in love and gratitude as we heed
the many blessings that overflow in our life
as we heal, as we grow, as we strive.

The flowers that bloom, the fruits that taste so very sweet
the thorns, the bitter-tasting food, all nature’s feast
of good and bad, hard and soft, dead and alive.
Just as it is, just how it is, the universal tide.

With stones and grass, and turns and twists, this river flows
to join the sea where in the end we all must show
to meet the one who patiently waits at the pearly gates
of final rest, where questions cease in everlasting peace.

And I wonder still if that is all the end of it,
or there is more, beyond that I may never know.
So I take the path that opens mysterious doors
to a life that says “You serve today and evermore.”

For it is the end. It is the beginning. And it is the interim.

Monica Samuel

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  1. Beautiful Monica.

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