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As a nutritionist, that is what I am supposed to be doing – give clients the best diet plan to achieve their health goals.

A diet plan generally includes what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and in- between to ensure sufficient nutrient intake based on predefined health goals. 

Ten years back, I used to write such diet plans. In 2019, I learned about 5-fold foods and experienced the healing power of these subtler foods first hand. Today, when I work with my clients I prescribe a holistic health plan.

Focusing only on the food that we consume daily does not cover holistic nutrition. As each cell in our body is made up of  5 elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space,  we also need to incorporate these 5 elements or 5-fold foods in our diet. As these 5-fold foods are more subtler, they are more potent in healing.

Along with these 5-fold foods, working on the other 4 pillars of health gives sustainable results in the pursuit. They are – Ample exercise, Adequate rest, Balanced thoughts and Creative occupation.

One of my clients was determined to follow the diet plan to the T and he did it for a month without seeing any considerable improvement in his health. 

On investigation, I discovered that he was not getting enough restful sleep due to irregular work hours. He preponed his night calls and adjusted the work schedule so that he could get needed restful sleep in the night. In a week’s time, he started showing significant improvement in his health.

In another case, a home-maker, a mother of two children came to me with a weight loss goal. Even after understanding why and how behind the dietary guidelines, she was struggling to stick to the diet plan. I discovered that she was unable to focus on herself and her health as most of her energy was getting drained in resolving family issues and catering to others demands. Upon realizing this, she shared her desire to work on her health with her close family and also sought their support. As a result, her sleep improved and the exercise became regular. And in 3 months time, she could achieve her weight loss goal and continued to maintain it.

In my experience, just prescribing a diet plan is not enough, as it is not the sustainable and long-term solution for health issues.

So my prescription now also has ways to incorporate 5-fold foods. And whenever needed I also  the clients about the obstacles faced in the other 4 pillars of health. 

I support people in their journeys of achieving vibrant health while maintaining the overall state of balance in their lives. Check out more details about the personal nutrition and lifestyle coaching offered. 

You can also choose to register for the upcoming 21 Day Back to Health program and experience the ill-effects of your current lifestyle (some that you may not even identify as symptoms) fade away. 


In health and fitness,


Holistic Nutritionist and Yoga Therapist

Co-founder, Poshak Life

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