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I have completed 10 years since I started my journey with whole food. Plant based diet.

Was it easy? No. But was it worth it? completely.

Many times I get this question that why did you change? What was your story? Were you suffering from any disease that got recovered by shifting to plant based? Right. But my answer is no. I don’t have any such success story as such to share with respect to health issue, I just wanted to feel better in my body. I wanted to run longer, I wanted to swim faster, and I wanted to do so many things for which I was not finding enough energy.

For example I wanted to grow my own vegetables and I wanted to complete a triathlon with my husband. We wanted to just go around places, but because of the lifestyle I was following because I was not finding the energy and vitality. And that’s why I changed my diet to whole plant based.

And within one year of shifting to plant-based diet, all these dreams of ours came true. You don’t have to wait for a health issue to change your diet. It can work as preventive measure and it can just help you to achieve your fullest potential in life.

And here is your chance to learn to refine your diet so that you can achieve all your health goals and dreams! The next 21 day diabetes special program and 21 day back to health program are starting in February.

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