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Are you struggling to build a new habit alone? Working with a buddy or joining a group can provide the support you need to develop a consistent personal practice. Our experience shows that with the right support, people often achieve things they never imagined possible.

“I could have never imagined overcoming my tea addiction in this life, but I don’t know how I have overcome this challenge in the last 21 days.”

“I was so used to having a sugary sweet post meal daily but in just 21 days I am off my sugar addiction.”

“I have never witnessed a sunrise on weekdays before … and now  my eyes open on their own at 5.15 am without setting an alarm and I feel fresh and energetic.”

These are some common remarks during the closing circle of the 21-day group coaching program. Every time this happens, I marvel at the power of the community. It feels unreal or even magical.

When we come together, we achieve something greater than what we could have achieved as our individual selves. Why does it happen?

Community has a collective energy. Many difficult things become easy and natural and we can execute them without growing tired or making a strenuous effort.

With this collective energy, practices of personal transformation become effortless as it creates that nourishing environment for the practice to grow roots and stabilize.

Thich Nhat Hanh explains this beautifully – 

“Visualize the community body as a forest. Each member of the community is a tree standing beautifully alongside others. Although each tree has its own shape, height and unique qualities, all are contributing to the harmonious growth of the forest. Looking at trees standing alongside each other like that, you can sense beauty, solidity and the power of a sacred forest.”

That’s what we got to experience again in the last 21-day Back to Health program. Here are a few examples of collective energy boosting individual action.

Meenakshi was tempted to eat fried food from outside during the first week of the program. Feeling safe in the group, she shared this information. With open acceptance and a gentle nudge from the group, she could manage to stay away from the fried food till the end of the program. 

Kranti’s enthusiasm of preparing oil-free food not only for herself but also her family, right from day one of the program, motivated Ashwani to involve his father and cook clean food for himself and his family. 

Mala, irrespective of being a busy entrepreneur, was inspired by Ankur and Megha, veterans of the program. Mala pulled off preparing the food following the necessary guidelines and took the extra effort to choose clean food while ordering from outside during the program. 

Everyone stayed away from caffeine till the end of the program, all thanks to the shared challenges and wisdom, and the solid support and encouragement from each other.

Watching the group makes us deeply appreciate the role of community in personal transformation. When we tap into that collective energy, the focus becomes razor-sharp, the stress of performing alone vanishes, and our heart fills with warmth and hope for the future.

You can read more success stories of the people who decided to embark on the journey of self-transformation. You can also read more about being each other’s practice managers in order to make the journey easier and fun.

You can register for the upcoming 21 day back to health program or if you are considering this program but feel unsure, reply to this email and I will be happy to address concerns and questions.

I look forward to your response. 


In health and fitness,


Holistic Nutritionist and Yoga Therapist

Co-founder, Poshak Life

+91 9632676341 

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