Physical Changes in Me since going Whole Food Plant Based | Poshak Life blog
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I started my whole food plant-based journey in 2014. Prior to that, I was a non-vegetarian. I did not make the transition instantly. There were many failures. It has been a long road of overcoming physical, mental, emotional, social, and logistical challenges. But the benefits outweigh the challenges by leaps and bounds.

Let me share some of the physical changes I experienced following the WFPBD along with nature cure practices that I learned in 2020.

The immediate change (in about a week) was the reduction of pain in my knee. My reports indicated this was the start of rheumatoid arthritis. Today, I jog, cycle, go for long walks, run up and down stairs, sit in half lotus pose, and am without any pain. In fact, during the transition, when I ate, say, paneer (cottage cheese), my knee would start throbbing the very next day. It was wondrous to identify the foods that did not suit my body.

I used to have a lot of blackheads around my nose. They have been my companions since my teens. They have nearly disappeared now.

I suffered from severe constipation. I developed anal fissures and showed signs of the development of haemorrhoids. All these issues are resolved now.

The increase in energy is one the earliest benefits that we experience on a whole food plant-based diet. That changes the tone of the day. No sleepiness after eating and energy lasts longer too. My stamina has increased as well when it comes to exercise.

From childhood, I had white deposits under my nails. Those are gone.

I had a sensitivity to sunlight that has reduced by 90%. I had trouble driving in the night. That too is much better.

I used to have frequent eye strain. Those occasions are less.

I caught a cough or cold every second month. That doesn’t happen anymore.

I suffered from severe sinusitis. Those incidences have become rare.

I am at ease in my body. I’m very aware now of what disturbs my body, which I love because I can detect it quickly and take corrective action. I feel connected to my body, and accountable to it too. I honour and appreciate it.

Health truly is wealth.

Want to experience these benefits and more? Join the 21 Day Back to Health Online Program and experience it for yourself.

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