Pick up Trash - Service365 (May'23)
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I pick up and dispose of three pieces of garbage that I did not create each time I go outside. Of course, this doesn’t make New York City much cleaner. But it does cause me to slow down for a moment, to become aware of my concrete surroundings, and to apply mindfulness to a specific task. Most importantly, it gives me the opportunity to engage with the awkward emotions that arise in my mind from having to bend over and pick up a candy wrapper in front of others on a crowded street. The practice adds about four seconds to my commute.

Ethan Nichtern in One City


Many of us may already be picking trash diligently, perhaps at a large scale too. Thank you for this service and may your good work continue. What could emerge if we held the question “What more could I do?” and allowed the answer to appear? Perhaps this month can be the time for that exploration.

While picking up trash, can we do it with reverence? At a Moved by Love program in Gandhinagar, where I was in a volunteer group supporting a Paryavaran Mitra (environment friend), I observed the sincerity with which the lady who collected garbage from houses did her job. For her it was service. She had a bond with the neighbourhood whose garbage she collected. She knew their stories. She faced some abuse too but it didn’t disturb her happy mood one bit. She took it in her stride, as part of the job, sharing their sad tale with us. Her approach and attitude humbled me.

In the trash, as we were segregating, we found a piece of paper with some writing on it in coloured pen. My friend happened to give it attention and found that it was a letter from a grandchild wishing to meet her grandparents. What treasures could a pile of garbage hold? What are the stories behind that thrown wrapper, the discarded can?


Pick up trash, whenever you can, wherever you can, in whatever capacity you can. That is the act of service for Mother Earth and all beings.


What insights come up for me when I bend to pick up trash in my home? In my neighbourhood? In my community? Trash on the street that I believe is someone else’s responsibility?

Let us practice and learn together. Share in the comments of this post and the WhatsApp group when comments open.

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