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The Poshak Life team – Saee BapatDeepali Gaonkar and Monica Samuel – was at the 48th International Conference on Recent Advances in Whole Food Plant-based Nutrition and Health Care (ICRAPBN23) in Chennai, organized by the International Vegetarian Union and International Vegan Alliance. Poshak Life was one of the sponsors and had a stall of Whole Plant Based snacks for purchase.

The Poshak Life stall at the conference ICRAPBN 23
The Poshak Life stall at the conference

The 2-day event (1-2 Nov’23) was quite engaging as we met several people from the sector of health and wellness. There were experts such as:

Dr Sailesh Rao 🅥 (Founder, Climate Healers) whose presentation on the impact of our food choices on the planet further fueled our mission to practice and advocate this diet as not only the best for human health but also for the planet and all its creatures.

Dr Aris LaTham (Grand Master Raw Food Chef, Gatun, Panama) whose demos of preparing sun-fired fruit and vegetable delicacies inspired us to innovate and create more in raw foods.

Deepali and Saee with Dr Aris and Chef Ali
Deepali and Saee with Dr Aris and Chef Ali

Many thanks to Chef Ali Pandey who joined Dr Aris on stage for his generous commendation of our winning entry in the Raw Vegan Culinary competition.

Receiving the certificate for winning the Raw Vegan Culinary Contest
Receiving the certificate for winning the Raw Vegan Culinary Contest
The winning dish - a refreshing Paan salad and Paan shot - Poshak Life | Deepali Gaonkar & Saee Bapat
The winning dish – a refreshing Paan salad and Paan shot

Marly Winckler (President, International Vegetarian Union, Brazil) for her detailed coverage of the IVU Vegan Nutrition Guide which proves the suitability of a plant-based diet for all age groups.

CA Chandrashekhar Luniya for his kindness and commitment in advocating for a Degree for Vegetarians in Hotel Management Courses in India. He achieved this after 8 years of constant efforts, and it is now available as a career avenue for future generations.

Dr J A Rajkumar (Lifeline Institute of Minimal Access, Chennai) for his energizing talk on the importance of holistic health and the damage we do ourselves and other beings with our lifestyle and food choices.

Dr Harsha Atmakuri (Medical Graduate and Vegan Activist, Mumbai) for the simplicity and clarity with which he established the ills of modern food choices and the need to change right now.

Dr Gauri Rokkam (WFPB nutritionist) for the clarity and knowledge she shared on the nutritive wholeness of the plant-based diet and its impact on child growth.

Asha Shivaram for sharing her life journey, her own recovery following a whole plant based diet, and the stages of disease progression.

Many thanks to all the other speakers as well for their motivating messages. We got the chance to interact with a new demographic, the students studying naturopathy and food and technology. It was insightful also to exchange notes with other providers in the space, meet old friends, and make new ones.

Thank you to the Brahma Kumaris for the beautiful space they have created at the Happy Village, and for their kind hospitality and care.

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