The importance of mindful eating | CE with Saee
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Have you ever eaten food before serving your family?

In the 21 Day Challenge whenever we have mindful eating sessions, so many ladies share that they don’t remember the last time when they had food so peacefully and mindfully.

Eating mindfully improves the digestion of the food. It improves the absorption of nutrients and reduces the tendency to overeat.

Consider these 2 scenarios –

  1. You have young children or elderly people at home who need your attention. You may have to feed them or sometimes they throw some tantrum. You end up eating your food without knowing what you have put in your mouth.
  2. Your family members are not willing to eat food on time. Either your spouse has meetings or kids are out playing and you end up waiting for them and eat food late.

Watch this video to know what you could do.

Eating food on time is as important as family time. It’s a good idea to take time out, eat on time, and then join the meal-time happily as you serve your family.

Happy eating!

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