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Pay no attention to the faults of others, things done or left undone by others. Consider only what by oneself is done or left undone.

Gautama Buddha

Here we are in the last month of 2023. The year has whizzed by while we’ve navigated our lives and stayed connected to our service resolutions.

In this closing month, which also signifies a season of giving, let’s amplify our mission to find and rever the good in ourselves and others, lead every moment with compassion as our compass, experience the richness of our being to full-heartedly participate in the joy of others, and stay steady on the road to equanimity.

This December, let us amplify the resolution of service and kindness that each of us holds so preciously. And in that sacred space, ponder these questions:

What can I do more?
Where can I show greater kindness?
Who can I support with greater love?
What can I receive as a life lesson with grace?
Where can I let go to grow?
When do I seek the answers by going within?
How can I show up with authenticity and compassion?

May this month reveal treasures for your heart!
May your soul dance in unity with the Divine!

Wish you a blessed month of continued service, connection, warmth, and love!

“Darkness to Light” is a cross-cultural interweaving of Nimo Patel’s favourite prayers semi-translated in hip-hop prose.

Revisit the service resolutions of past months.

Bonding With A Loving Touch
Show Appreciation Every Day
Give Away in Kindness
Listen from the Heart
Pick Up Trash
Random Acts of Kindness Each Day
Serving Seniors or the Elderly
Anonymous Acts of Kindness
10 Minutes of Kindness Every Day
Contribute to the 3 Feet Around You
Eternal Gifts of Love & Connection

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