Serving the Elderly | Service365 July 2023 | Poshak Life
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Even though people experiencing dementia become unable to recount what has just happened, they still go through the experience—even without recall. The psychological present lasts about three seconds. We experience the present even when we have dementia. The emotional pain caused by cruel treatment or unkind talk occurs during that period. The moods and actions of people with dementia are expressions of what they have experienced, whether they can still use language and recall, or not.

Judy Cornish


Loneliness and depression are common among the elderly, especially those who have lost their significant other. Even in India, where traditionally the elderly have been cared for by their children and other family members, it has been found that 5.7% of senior citizens live alone, without the support of family or friends.

In many communities, senior citizens form groups and engage over songs, politics, religion, health, shared woes, and myriad other topics. To witness these gatherings is a joy. However, at an individual level, the ageing process takes its toll with diminished functionality, physical and/or mental illness, and growing dependence.

It is estimated that 13% of India’s population will be aged 60 and over by 2031. A study on Loneliness in Older Indian Dyads found that loneliness is a significant issue among older Indians.

What can we as service volunteers do to support the elderly in and outside our homes? Here are a few suggestions.

  • Spend time with them.
  • Listen from the heart.
  • Always keep patience and empathy alive.
  • Help with errands or household chores.
  • Play board games they enjoy.
  • Accompany them for a walk.
  • Join them in hospital visits.
  • Exercise with them.
  • Ask them what they need to feel safe and comfortable.
  • Assist them with their technology needs.
  • Meet their needs without judgement.
  • Assist them in maintaining contact with family, and friends.
  • Check-in on them, especially seniors living without family.
  • Drive them when their family cannot.
  • Help those who are physically and mentally able to take up jobs or volunteer at NGOs or local community events, etc.
  • Volunteer in old age homes.


What is revealed in your heart when you serve the elderly? What are the connections and insights that come up as you connect with the future that awaits us all? Share your reflections and stories in the comments and the WhatsApp group.

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