Solitude and Gratitude | Poshak Life blog
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Some days I don’t feel my usual energy. Things that I generally and easily take in my stride feel difficult. This is a signal for me, to pause, and register that I am over-working and over-extending. I need a little time away for self-care, to sit with myself, be in nature, and in my case, get time away from screens.

A lot of screen time (8-9 hours per day) is part of my life because of the nature of my work. Like other occupational hazards, this too takes a toll. There is enough research to tell us what prolonged sitting hours and extended screen exposure lead to.

I have other responsibilities that sometimes feel heavy on my shoulders. But again, these are responsibilities taken on board by choice.

Such thoughts can come up like a thorn in my mind when I am exhausted. And when they do, they give rise to resentment towards my own work, work that I actually enjoy; and towards my own people, people that I cherish.

What I need most in such times is solitude. And to take my foot off the speed pedal of my life. And turn to Gratitude.

I need these pauses in my life, again and again, and again to return to balance.

And from the lens of gratefulness, I look again at the many blessings in my life that have come my way because of my work. Yes, there are challenges, but I can reduce the risks with conscious care. I look at the wonderful people who are enriching my life every day, and I can recharge myself in their love, and compassion for myself. And thank God for all I have.

Not everything is in my control but a lot in my life is a consequence of my choices and actions. When I take responsibility for my over-extension and over-work and exhaustion, I make choices that support my wishes for myself. I take action in line with my new understanding of wealth and wellness.

I choose to step off the fast track. I choose to be with myself and in nature. I make alternative arrangements for my responsibilities. I prioritise myself. I do this without guilt or second thoughts.

To support others I must first support myself.

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