The Body Never Lies | Poshak Life blog
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The body never lies.

We can be misled by our minds about our feelings. We may be feeling weak, but our mind may reject that feeling if we can’t accept it and we’ll interpret the feeling as confused.

The mind can play these tricks depending on our relationship with our Self. But the body always responds with authenticity. So the next time you experience any event through the day where you feel agitation or even when you are not feeling any agitation, just go inwards.

Close your eyes and just go inwards and experience how you are. What are the different sensations in the body when you are not agitated? And then when you are happy, what are the different sensations in your body? And when you are agitated, what are the different sensations in your body?

The body never lies and you will get an accurate understanding of what your experience in the present moment is. These are some of the things we explore in the psychodrama and the inner work sessions. Tap into body sensations to get at the true feelings. It’s a powerful connection with the self, a powerful connection with our truth.

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