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As I reflect on the year gone by, I can see so much learning leading to growth at personal as well as professional level.

In the beginning of this year, I had set 2 intentions on the personal front

  1. Healing from my chronic shoulder injury
  2. Experiencing trust in my close relationships

Me seeking the complete relief from my shoulder injury led me to understand subtler aspects of healing at mental level along with the physical work needed.

That also reflected in my professional offerings, as a yoga teacher I felt inspired to slow down and focus more on the therapeutic yoga postures compared with dynamic flows.

I also started including strength building postures in my practice as well as in my teachings.

After teaching yoga online for more than 2 years now, I feel the need to connect with the students in offline mode in the coming year.

I learnt how important it is to release the pain body as early as possible and not renew it in the healing journey. For that to happen I worked on resolving conflicts at various dimensions starting with people around me.

Some of the practices which helped me in this quest are-

Nonviolent communication to build richer bond with everyone around

Practicing four immeasurables (maitri, karuna, mudita, upekha) through Monica’s Inner Work sessions

Cultivating acceptance, working on reducing the judgments


And now Monica is ready to offer these gifts to everyone through Poshak Life services.

In this year I also got an opportunity to complete Holistic Nutritionist certification with AFPA. 6 months I could devote myself to plunge deeper into the field of whole plant-based nutrition. Brushing up fundamentals, learning about the sea of robust research available in this area, equipping myself with the counselling tools and strategies, I feel ready to help many more people with the awareness about the whole plant-based lifestyle in the year to come.

We have resumed our monthly potlucks this year. Along with tasty and healthy spread of food, the connections and energy these potlucks offer keep us recharged. I am looking forward to meeting many more people in person through these potlucks in the year to come.

Of course the highlight of the year for me is three of us, Monica, Dee, and Myself coming together under one umbrella of Poshak Life to share our gifts to the world.

From offering only nutrition consultations, we have expanded our services in this one year to mental wellness related services, healthy whole plant-based snacks, and residential retreats.

More than the external offerings, what I cherish more is the internal growth this collaboration has brought in each of us.

Being available for each other, listening to the deeper needs, giving from heart, taking care of each other’s wellbeing, learning from each other’s unique experiences has kept us anchored. With this strength, we are looking forward to taking our offerings to many more people in the year to come with our values of authenticity, care, service, and freedom!

I wish everyone a happy, healthy, fulfilling and peaceful new year!

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