I am invited to a party tonight! How can I manage this situation?Many clean eaters face th...
This year was fast with lots of ups and downs. When I look back, I see how much I have wal...
To touch can be to give life. Michelangelo HEAD It’s surprising how a “loving t...
As I reflect on the year gone by, I can see so much learning leading to growth at personal...
How to make alkaline juice? Common Juice Choices: • Manathakali leaves: 5-...
Alkaline Juice gives us that needed gentle start to the day along with a dose of micronutr...
At a recent event, I happened to be in a group discussing compassion. One person in the...
Ingredients1 cup cashew cheese⅓ cup water⅓ cup peeled and diced cucumber2 tablespoons...
Here is a 5 veggie formula to fix a n easy salad!One watery veggie like cucumber, tomatoes...