Are you struggling to build a new habit alone? Working with a buddy or joining a group can...
"Aai, I am hungry!" My daughter’s familiar refrain greeted me as she returned from schoo...
It's a powerful question - "What do you need from me?" It relieves us from the anxiety of...
I was 15 kg overweight after delivering my second child. I dreaded visiting the dietician...
I entered her life as "fun." I kept her engaged, happy, and a little dreamy. She needed th...
Past hurt and pain are hard to live with. "Let bygones be bygones." If only that were as e...
We all may have gone through this challenge some or the other time in our lives...
Ingredients: 6 frozen bananas (Yellaki or Robusta) 3/4 cup cashew paste 1/4 cup...
I have a few women clients in the age group of 60+ years, who are widowed and living with...
Fasting when done correctly and for the right reasons does something to you that can'...