As a nutritionist, that is what I am supposed to be doing - give clients the best diet pla...
Any boy who dared to propose "friendship" to me during my middle and high school and under...
Ingredients: 3.5 cups mixed berries (strawberries, mulberries, and raspberry)1.5 cups j...
Background Name: Ankur Verma Age: 42 years Occupation: Career Coach, prior...
I sat watching my 52-year-old client cry like her heart was breaking. She was hurting from...
Are you struggling to build a new habit alone? Working with a buddy or joining a group can...
"Aai, I am hungry!" My daughter’s familiar refrain greeted me as she returned from schoo...
It's a powerful question - "What do you need from me?" It relieves us from the anxiety of...
I was 15 kg overweight after delivering my second child. I dreaded visiting the dietician...
I entered her life as "fun." I kept her engaged, happy, and a little dreamy. She needed th...