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Smita is a 43 years old yoga teacher from Bangalore.

She used to follow south Indian vegetarian food.

She used to eat out once in two weeks. And she also is fond of chocolates!

Occasionally snacking on namkeens for mid-morning hunger bouts

She used to practice yoga 3 days a week and used to go for a walk 2-3 days.


She had diabetes for the last 15 years, was on tablets twice a day.

A recent report showed high triglycerides. She also used to suffer from severe migraine bouts leading to vomiting and stomach upset after consuming chickpeas and other legumes.

In between acidity episodes were also observed often.


She was fade up with the medicines and did not want to add cholesterol-related medicine to the list. She also wanted to get rid of migraines headaches and acidity episodes.

Losing weight was another goal.

She had tried limiting the portion size and reducing the consumption of junk food, but she could not lose much of her weight.


She was aspiring to be energetic and feeling light. She also wanted to get rid of bloating, acidity, migraine, and wanted to feel good when she joined this program.

These were her thoughts when she joined the personal consultation,

“I love fried food and namkeen, whether I will be able to eat them ever?”

“I cannot skip my meals as I get migraine headaches, do I have to skip my meals in order to lose weight?”

So, she convinced herself that CE is going to be for a month and once she achieves the goal, she can indulge in her favorite food. That kept her motivated every month.  Every month she used to get motivated with the reducing number on the weighing scale.


So at the beginning keeping the medicines as is, clean foods including fruits and vegetables were introduced on a daily basis.

The diet plan was fixed around the routine and yoga sessions in the morning so that she will not feel hungry and trigger the migraine headaches.

Subtle food practices like sunbathing, pranayama, wet packs were also introduced gradually.

Initially, she used to crave for her favorite namkeen items. Also, she used to feel low when her weight did not seem to go down.

After 6 weeks in the program, she started seeing results.

She could fit into her jeans and track-pants again and felt confident

She visited her favorite temple and could do 48 rounds around the temple w/o getting tired.

She could also easily stay away from the fried food like papad, vada, payasam served in the temple and could choose clean food in the journey

Slowly people started noticing weight loss and started complimenting her.

Her family members started to compliment the changes and started eating clean food with her. She also got compliments from the men in her community which surprised and made her pleasantly happy.

She used to get cravings for namkeen and fried food.  At that time conversations with saee about understanding the WHY helped.

Let us hear from her about her experience in her own words –


What did you enjoy most about clean eating?

“There is no restriction on the number of fruits and vegetables. Eating Coconut with jaggery is my favorite! I love coconut buttermilk.”

How do you feel in the body?

“I feel light as I have lost 8 kgs of weight, I can jump to Uttanasana in Astanga suryanamaskar now. I can also practice Halasana which was impossible a few months back.

My migraine and acidity attacks have almost vanished. I am aware of my body more now and even if I realize I may get a headache I know how to handle it.

My diabetes medication has reduced to half now and I am confident of getting rid off it completely soon”


How do you feel in mind?

“I used to feel depressed thinking of my health. I have realized that I am responsible for my health and my sickness.  And now I know how to take care of it.”

Would you recommend clean eating and why?

“Yes Definitely. It is not difficult to follow. There are a lot of eating choices in CE.  Once you get into a routine, you will surely enjoy it. And the health benefits that you experience on the way will help you follow it whole-heartedly. When I can do and follow, anyone can do in my opinion. As I am too quick to get bored with one routine.”

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