Welcome to the Clean Eating compliant Diwali Snacks online cooking course. All the recipes in this course are free of refined products including oil and sugar. They are also dairy-free.
The course consists of recordings of the live Diwali Cooking Special workshop. Once you register, you will receive an invitation to join a Facebook group where the live session recording and recipe demo videos are hosted.
NOTE: You MUST have a Facebook profile to access the course.
You will also be added to a WhatsApp support group where you can clarify doubts and get answers to any questions.
What you will learn:
Chakli (Murukku)
Moong Dal Laddoo(Chilki moong dal)
Haliv Laddoo
Dryfruit Laddoo
Besan Anjeer Burfi
Whatapp support group
Free recipe booklet
Yes! All of these are made with wholesome ingredients only.
Really liked your detailed and casual narration while demonstrating. All recipes are tried n tested ... that gives us confidence.
We have followed conventional methods to prepare Diwali items. They are good methods but with changing raw food quality, old methods have lost the true value for health.. This workshop was a pleasant surprise to not just maintain the taste but also to elevate the nourishment value of Diwali snacks for health. With Saee and Deepali's combination, process of making the snacks was simplified as well as nutrified...we plan to make these more often than before after attending this workshop.
Saee is patient with all questions raised by participants. Deepali has lot of warmth in presentation. No commercial feel. Love the homely presentation.
Excellent workshop with step by step guidance. Patiently taught & all queries answered thoroughly. Good job done by Saee & Deepali. .