Motivation to lose weight | FAQ | Weightloss
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Is losing weight the result of will power? Many of us think so.

But people with great will power also fall short of their #weightloss goals.

Why is that?

A) The path they choose is not holistic so they lose their fire over time.

B) They lack the “skill-power” to stay focused and motivated throughout.

With correct understanding comes the conviction to follow the right path. Once the WHY is clear, HOW becomes easy.

Once you understand that increased weight can be caused by underlying health conditions – hormonal, mental or physical – the focus shifts to addressing the cause rather than just losing weight.

To address the cause, you need skills. Skills can be cultivated with guidance.

You can learn to:
– listen to the body & stay aligned
– normalize the taste-buds & overcome cravings
– imbibe mindful movement & stop mindless burning of calories
– change thought patterns & experience positivity
– accept failures & stay on track

Skill power, not will power, is what’s going to get you to the finish line.

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