Sprouts cause acidity | Mythbuster | Wholefood
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Acidity or Acid Re-flux symptoms are triggered by different food items such as chocolate, chillies, deep fried food, processed foods, etc.

Whole plant based foods are more alkaline and they work against the root cause of acid re-flux. Yet, many people have acid re-flux if they consume sprouts, a whole plant based option that’s got more life in it than un-sprouted legumes.

Low stomach acid can make it difficult to digest raw sprouts. Low stomach acid, in turn, is associated with anxiety and depression.

To overcome this, avoid processed yellow split dals in your diet. Improve the gut health by increasing the consumption of alkaline foods and then slowly introduce sprouts into the diet. Start with steamed/cooked sprouts. When you become comfortable with them, consume 2 tablespoons of raw sprouts every day.

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