Carbohydrates cause weight gain | Mythbuster | weigh gain
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There are two types of carbs – simple and complex.

Simple carbs rapidly release glucose into the bloodstream, causing a spike in insulin, the hormone that enables glucose absorption in cells. Insulin is also an anabolic hormone – enabling storage of glycogen and fat. High insulin inhibits the burning of fat – metabolic rate goes down, weight goes up.

Simple carbohydrates are found in processed food such as candies, table sugars, sweets, bread and bakery products.

Complex carbs contain starch and fibre. Starch takes time to break down, slows the release of glucose and does not create an insulin spike, the cause of weight gain. Fibre makes us feel full, therefore less hungry. It also enables effective bowel movement, an indicator of good health.

Complex carbs are naturally found in unpolished whole grains, starchy vegetables, legumes and fibre (e.g., vegetable and fruit peels).

If you want to maintain your optimum weight, choose complex carbs over simple ones. Simple switches you could make:

– Potatoes with peels (steamed/baked versus fried)
– Unpolished rice versus white rice
– Whole wheat flour versus refined flour (maida)
– Naturally sweet fruits versus refined sugar

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