Diabetics cant eat rice | Mythbuster |
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If you are a clean eater consuming whole plant based foods, you can have all varieties of unpolished rice.

Carbohydrates are our primary source of energy. Carbs break down into glucose that is released in the bloodstream. The pancreas secretes insulin that delivers the glucose to cells where its burned to release energy.

The problem arises when we consume simple carbohydrates (such as white rice) that increase glucose levels quickly, pushing the pancreas to secrete more insulin. Diabetics can’t do this because the pancreas is dysfunctional.

So what’s to be done? Switch to unpolished rice, a complex carbohydrate. The sugar is released slowly, allowing the pancreas to manage.

Combine this with a balanced intake of whole fruits and vegetables and eliminate all processed ingredients. And enjoy the rice on your plate!

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