Buttermilk to relieve acidity | Mythbuster | Acidity
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Buttermilk relieves acidity because it has lactic acid. But it’s a temporary fix. Same as cold milk, fermented drinks, eating every 2 hours, etc.

Acidity or acid reflux is unpleasant. But when it becomes chronic, it becomes dangerous.

Acidity can damage the esophagus, leading to serious issues that end up with hospitalization or even, surgery.

Understand the root cause of acidity. What are the possible causes?

Stomach acids increase to break down highly processed dead food such as deep-fried and spicy foods.

The lower oesophageal sphincter (LES) also weakens because of regular intake of caffeine via tea, coffee, alcohol, or carbonated drinks.

Pressure on the abdomen because of increased belly fat, pregnancy, etc., can cause acid leakage from the LES, leading to a burning sensation near the lower chest area.

Or it could be the secretion of stress hormones.

So what’s the solution?

Analyzing our lifestyle and changing the way we eat, move, rest, and think. That is the only way to manage acidity. Improve your health.

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