If you always eat organic food, you will fall ill if you eat out | Mythbuster | FAQ | Mythbuster+FAQ
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This is a very interesting question.

Junk food doesn’t have half alive bacteria as vaccines do, but it has food for bacteria, food for the bad microbes! And non-organically grown food has harmful toxins which our bodies are not evolved to digest.

So when we consume these non-organic or chemically laden or processed junk food items:

1. Our liver tries it’s best to get rid of these substances, foreign substances which we are not evolved to eat. But, over the time it gets overloaded with the toxins, becomes sluggish and starts affecting the functioning of other organs too.
2. The army of bad bacteria become strong taking down the immunity of our body.

If you believe, that to build our body’s immunity against all the bad food substances, we need to eat all of them in small quantities…then we have to eat 20000 poisonous/toxic food-like substances that we are exposed to, nowadays.

Instead, we can just focus on eating food closest to its natural form and which we are evolved to eat like fruits, veggies, grains, nuts and seeds in minimally processed form.

And so in turn immunity is built by increasing the army of good microbes and also by keeping our liver and kidney in prime condition, not congested; so whenever we are exposed to unnatural or junk food it can be easily eliminated by these filtering systems of the body.

No wonder the older generation who were not exposed to the junk food, were fortunate to have only organic food produced till their 50s. And so, can still handle toxic overload by eating out once in a while.

Whereas the young generation which is exposed to these dead food from as early as 2-3 years of age, can’t digest such exceptions and their body reacts to it.

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