Personal Consultation

Holistic Health Improvement Programme

If you have a specific health problem that you want to resolve naturally, you may need individual attention and coaching for the best results. However, it’s important to understand that the pace at which the improvement happens varies from person to person.

My goal through the personal consultation is to handhold you as you build the necessary habits that will take you towards your health goals.

This program does not focus on curing any one disease. It focuses on improving health through holistic lifestyle changes. You may not see immediate improvements in a chronic condition but you will certainly start observing improvements in other aspects such as energy, digestion, sleep quality, stress levels, and more.

The programme requires a minimum commitment of 6-8 weeks for meaningful results.

It will include:

  • 4-6 1-hour personal consultations (in person or on-call),
  • WhatsApp coaching,
  • personal monitoring of your daily food intake, and
  • coaching to implement holistic health practices.

I will also help you adopt a suitable & practical lifestyle, over time. The goal is to make healthy and sustainable lifestyle changes, for life.

Holistic Health Improvement Program Process

A. One-on-one in-person or on-call consultation

Once you book a consultation, you receive a questionnaire that helps me understand your habits, medical conditions if any, stress levels and movement patterns.

This information helps me address your concerns more effectively.

During the consultation, I understand your current lifestyle including food, movement, rest and sleep patterns in detail and suggest necessary changes along with a detailed diet plan.

You clarify all your doubts and understand how holistic health can improve your specific issues during the interaction.

B. Weeklong coaching and support on WhatsApp

I monitor all your meals and support you throughout the journey on WhatsApp. I also help you address any challenges you may face while following practices that ensure you eat, move, rest and live right.

Attend this program only if you are willing to:

  • invest time and effort in order to improve your health,
  • arrange or cook food at home (The person responsible for purchasing the food and cooking meals MUST be present during the consultation.),
  • work on your food addictions, and
  • be open to challenging old beliefs.

Know Your Coach

Hi, I’m Saee Bapat, an IT professional turned Holistic Nutrition Health Coach & Yoga Therapist. I’ve been a national-level swimmer in school and college, a yoga teacher since 2008 and a holistic nutrition coach since 2015.

I hold a certification in Nutrition from Cornell University and a Masters (M.Sc.) in Yogic Science. I’m constantly upgrading my knowledge of Holistic Nutrition and Yoga as the combination truly delivers rich rewards.

My mission is to help 10,000 people develop healthy and sustainable habits following time-tested principles.

With my Health Improvement Program, many people have reduced their medications for rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol, allergies, skin issues and acidity. And they’ve done it by improving their overall health instead of focusing on their ailment.

Being a nature cure student, I try to incorporate foods from all five elements in my coaching practice – gross food from the earth and water elements, subtle food from the sun, air and space.

If you’ve been itching to take charge of your life, here’s your chance!

What does a Personal Consultation and a week-long handholding cost?

₹2000 /- per week

This includes one 60-minute consultation and one customized diet plan for the week with coaching and support on WhatsApp.


I do not claim that any advice given represents a “cure” for disease. I believe that true health does not need treatment, it needs education, awareness and a will to change. My endeavour is to educate and emphasize the fact that “The cure is from within.” All our efforts are to improve HEALTH.

The fee includes 60-minute personal consultation, one week’s diet plan and WhatsApp coaching for that week.

Book a Personal
Consultation with Saee