I believe every person deserves happiness.
To work on an issue requires that the issue first be visible. Coaching opens a new window into the subjective reality of a client’s experience, through emotional awareness. From there, they learn to communicate effectively to resolve conflicts and build robust, meaningful relationships. They grow in emotional intelligence, essential to a life of harmony and balance.
Psychodrama (“psyche in action”) is a powerful method to explore relationships and situations. The creative process allows much freedom and creativity that enriches insight and enables quicker and better integration. Psycho-spiritual activities, meditation, and nonviolent communication techniques are further used to empower and enable clients to achieve their goals.
Monica is very good at pinpointing the exact cause and very quick at coming to the point which needs to be fixed. I liked her no-nonsense approach, less talk and more action approach as part of self-healing. Something I found unique to these interactions with Monica was how she could so comfortably give examples from her own life to connect with my concerns. This helped normalise my issues in life and gave me more confidence to overcome concerns. I came in with mental confusion, negative thoughts, a lot of noise in my head, and lack of energy and motivation. In 4 sessions, I was connected to my spiritual self and my self-confidence to walk the path that I know is the right choice for me.
Monica is very neutral, non-judgemental, and empathetic. She allows you to express your vulnerabilities, get a fresh perspective and help you come up with a solution to your problem. I like Monica's coaching style using nonviolent communication and psychodrama. I found it very helpful and effective and much better than the traditional counselling methods.
I participated in a psychodrama session conducted by Ms. Monica, just by chance. I was truly impressed by her skills and deep understanding of psychology. Her unique approach to healing had a profound impact on me, helping me find relief from an old scar I had been carrying for years. I wholeheartedly endorse her work and wish her the very best.
I am glad I took these sessions. I was able to solve both my personal and career issue with right understanding and with confidence. The sessions have helped bring changes in my perspective and have shifted my reality from being zero to happening in less than 2 months.
When I was thinking about career change, I was thinking about abrupt change. After the session, I realised that a more gradual approach is a more practical path. The relevant and useful questions helped me explore myself deeper. I connected to my patience and ability to wait.
In the psychodrama play, I discovered that after an incident in my office, I started to take more on myself and look for less support. I gained the insight that I should challenge back and ask for support by giving supporting arguments.
About the Coach
Monica is a certified Psychodrama Coach Practitioner. She takes in-person and online emotional and mental wellness coaching using psychodrama as a therapeutic modality along with psycho-spiritual work and nonviolent communication. She also conducts online and in-person group sessions to nurture social connections, interpersonal relationships, and self-connection.
Exploratory Call
If you are not sure which session will be helpful for you and feel the need to discuss it, you can book an exploratory call. In the 30 minutes call, the coach will understand your issue and recommend which session or package will best serve your needs. You can also clarify any questions you have about the process and expectations.
4 Coaching Sessions, recommended (Online)
Coaching is about meeting the client where they are. From that point, the client finds their own path and solution, empowered by a non-judgmental and explorative space that allows authenticity, self-connection, honest expression, and new behaviour models. The modalities used include psychodrama, nonviolent communication, and psycho-spiritual work.
Psychodrama invites us to quit talking and act. Act our innermost truth, the many roles we play, conflicting and conjoining, the good and not-so-good, all part of who we are today.
As Jacob Levy Moreno, the founder of Psychodrama, said to Freud, “Well, Dr Freud, I start where you leave off. You meet people in the artificial setting of your office. I meet them on the street and in their homes, in their natural surroundings. You analyze their dreams. I give them the courage to dream again. You analyze and tear them apart. I let them act out their conflicting roles and help them to put the parts back together again.”
Everything we need to heal is within us. This will be our journey.
Duration: 90 minutes each
Frequency: 4 sessions
Time: Mutually agreed upon
4 Coaching Sessions, Recommended (In-person)
Coaching is about meeting the client where they are. From that point, the client finds their own path and solution, empowered by a non-judgmental and explorative space that allows authenticity, self-connection, honest expression, and new models of behaviour. The modalities used include psychodrama, nonviolent communication, and psycho-spiritual work.
Psychodrama invites us to quit talking and act. Act our innermost truth, the many roles we play, conflicting and conjoining, the good and not-so-good, all part of who we are today.
As Jacob Levy Moreno, the founder of Psychodrama, said to Freud, “Well, Dr Freud, I start where you leave off. You meet people in the artificial setting of your office. I meet them on the street and in their homes, in their natural surroundings. You analyze their dreams. I give them the courage to dream again. You analyze and tear them apart. I let them act out their conflicting roles and help them to put the parts back together again.”
Everything we need to heal is within us. This will be our journey.
Duration: 90 minutes each
Frequency: 4 sessions
Mode: In-person
Location: #145, J R Greenwich, Kodathi, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore
Time: mutually agreed upon
1 Coaching Session (Online)
Coaching is about meeting the client where they are. From that point, the client finds their own path and solution, empowered by a non-judgmental and explorative space that allows authenticity, self-connection, honest expression, and new behaviour models. The modalities used include psychodrama, nonviolent communication, and psycho-spiritual work.
The single sessions are ideal as a follow-up for clients who have completed the Psychodrama 4-session package or THRIVE program or who want to try out Psychodrama. Psychodrama gets you into action instead of talk. As you embody roles, you connect with deep needs and emotions, leading to behavioural clarity and life-serving steps in the present. As you change your behaviour in the play mode, new neural paths are created in the brain.
This will be our journey. Everything we need to heal is within us. A nudge is all we need at times.
Duration: 90 minutes
Frequency: 1 session
Mode: Online
Time: Mutually agreed upon
1 Coaching Session (In-person)
Coaching is about meeting the client where they are. From that point, the client finds their own path and solution, empowered by a non-judgmental and explorative space that allows authenticity, self-connection, honest expression, and new behaviour models. The modalities used include psychodrama, nonviolent communication, and psycho-spiritual work.
The single sessions are ideal as a follow-up for clients who have completed the Psychodrama 4-session package or THRIVE program or who want to try out Psychodrama. Psychodrama gets you into action instead of talk. As you embody roles, you connect with deep needs and emotions, leading to behavioural clarity and life-serving steps in the present. As you change your behaviour in the play mode, new neural paths are created in the brain.
This will be our journey. Everything we need to heal is within us. Sometimes, a nudge is all we need.
Duration: 90 minutes
Frequency: 1 session
Mode: In-person
Location: #145, J R Greenwich, Kodathi, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore
Time: Mutually agreed upon
Inner Work Personal Session
In the Inner Work Personal Sessions, we work together to explore your challenges, in any aspect of your life. We do this through meditation, deep listening, reflection, and activities for improved emotional and mental awareness. This session is recommended for people who do not want or cannot take up psychodrama sessions.
The more comfortable and joyful we are in our skin, accepting of all that makes us US, the more light and free we feel. That leads to amazing outcomes, new pathways, a whole new perspective, and joy in life.
Duration: 60 minutes
Frequency: 1 session
Mode: Online on Zoom
Time: Mutually agreed upon on WhatsApp Chat