1 Consultation with Dr Rupa Shah + 4 Personal Coaching sessions with Saee


Structure of the package:

  • 1 thirty-minute consultation with Dr Rupa Shah to get her medical opinion about your health issue, understand your reports and the treatment plan. She may also suggest altering or reducing the medication.
  • Followed by 4 one-hour personal coaching sessions with Saee, every week or as needed. They need to be completed withing a span of 2 months. At the end of every session, we will together come up with an actionable plan keeping in mind your specific habits, food choices and severity of the health condition.
  • It is recommended to follow the plan as agreed . You can use the daily tracker to share any challenges you face and the coach will work with you to resolve them.

Frequency: one session every week/ or every 2 weeks

Time: Mutually agreed upon

Fee: ₹14,000