Exploratory Call (Nutrition & Lifestyle)


If you’re interested but uncertain which session will help you, book a 30-minute online exploratory call with Saee, a Holistic nutritionist and yoga therapist.

During this consultation, she will understand your needs and recommend which session or package will best serve your needs. You can also clarify any questions you have about the process and expectations.


Duration: 30 minutes

Frequency: 1 session

Mode: Online

Time: Mutually agreed upon on Zoom

Fee: ₹750


If you’re interested but uncertain which session will help you, book a 30-minute online exploratory call with Saee, a Holistic nutritionist and yoga therapist.

During this consultation, she will understand your needs and recommend which session or package will best serve your needs. You can also clarify any questions you have about the process and expectations.