THRIVE – Back to Self Online Program


THRIVE is an online group program that is designed to get you in touch with your innate creative and compassionate self – the Self that craves acceptance, love, freedom, and happiness. We walk this 9-day journey by doing inner work, participating in psychodrama, and cultivating new habits that support a sustained reconnection with Self.

Only when we know ourselves can we develop the capacity to build and sustain healthy relationships.  And it begins with the Work.

Some shares from earlier participants

  • “I have never thought about myself like this before. But now, there is an understanding of why I must work on these issues I have, so they don’t hold me back.”
  • “After the psychodrama play with my mother-in-law, I see a change in my attitude towards her which itself is changing the nature of our relationship, without the need to even talk to her about the matter that was disturbing me.”
  • “Being vulnerable is difficult for me but through the play, I understood that I don’t need to disconnect from my loved ones while I process my sadness.”
  • “I love the clarity this whole process has given me on various issues on my mind. I need to work more but I feel confident that I am on the right path.”

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